Our products

For many of us, almost half our time is spent with our colleagues. Our product development focuses on relationships and communication in the workplace, where morale, cooperation, listening and equity are universally needed. Better conversations, better relationships, better health.


Time-boxing + visual equity

Making the invisible, visible.

In 2022 we built a time-boxing tool enabling users to collaboratively plan and shepherd any multi-participant discussion, conversation or meeting.

The tool draws on several behavioural and design principles:

  • time-boxing as a soft moderation tactic

  • visualisation of speaking time distribution, aka “equity”

  • group (decentralised) planning & preparedness

The tool has been piloted across multiple use cases and environments where communication inclusivity is most needed (World Economic Forum, AI for Good, Harvard Business School).

Get in touch for a demo if you think it could help you, your community or organisation.

#software #inclusivity #management #meetings #discussion


Talking Stick

Old as new.

The art of listening can be challenging. Our smartphone Beta drew on the ancient principle of the Talking Stick, a turn-taking object used by tribes and communities across the world to encourage mindful listening between its users.

We’ve reimagined this simple action as a turn-taking tool on your smartphone for one-on-one conversations. No interruptions, just listening.

Speak, listen and be heard.

#smartphone #app #techforgood #2023


Meeting Shepherd

A real-time assistant moderator for your in-person meetings.

Many of us who chair meetings are also tasked with moderating the discussion. Tracking a meeting without assistance can use up a lot of attention, and compete with a meeting organiser’s ability to moderate effectively, make decisions accurately, or contribute themselves. This is known as cognitive load, caused by: context switching, multi-tasking and interruptions.

Combining research with our study into healthy group discussion – we’ve created a tool which facilitates the planning, time management, and real-time moderation of a meeting through smart nudges.

With analytics, the tool also helps moderators compare how the meeting went against their plan, and learn about their team members’ contribution style.

Features include:

  • Agenda planning and design

  • Time-boxing

  • Speaker nomination

  • Smart nudges

  • Analytics report

#software #moderation #management #meetings #communication #teams